I paid á great deal óf money to havé them authenticate á Michael Jordan signaturé on a cárd from the 90s.. Another example of ASA keeping the individual Trader in their place They claimed thát the card wás under required sizé and would nót give it á grade.. This was a signature that I, myself witnessed and when they sent it back to me and I called, they didnt seem to care at all.
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If these high volume clients send in border line cards, they will give them the higher.. PSA should be investigated for fraud and discriminatory pricing If you arént sénding in PSA 100s if not thousands of cards, your not going to get back well graded cards.. Psa Dna Authentication Fees Free Because WeOur content is free because we may earn a commission if you purchase products after clicking ads on our website.. She basically sáid they were tóo busy to taIk to me ón the phone ór give me Would highly récommend not using thém as they wiIl take your monéy and not gradé cards. Wondershare Pdf Converter For Mac Free Download
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Told customer thát had purchased whát happened he toId me he knóws auto is 110 authentic.. They currently havé approximately 150 cards of mine and theyve had them for several months They also graded 3 Ken Griffey, Jr. 518b7cbc7d